The platform offers comprehensive maintenance services, such as plumbing, renovations, electricity, and more. The uniqueness of the solution, among others, is in offering a service contract for businessesand private. The platform contains a learning system component, based onAlgorithmics to collect data, process it and draw conclusions about consumption trendsServices on the one hand and personalized offers on the other.Also, the algorithm will know how to show over time the common cost of each treatmentin a specific field and rank professionals. Also, the platform will be able to display a "certificate".identity" maintenance in the case of buying/selling properties.The purchase itself is made through the platform when to the consumers face, heReceives from the system a customized solution for his needs, including the type of professional, timeEstimated arrival and additional details. It should be noted that the professionals have to standAt a high-quality standard both in the professional aspect and in the service aspect. Labor pricesknown and fixed in advance and in addition, the learning system indicates the common priceFor similar service calls to estimate the cost of the materials including the costwhich includesThe companys goal is to provide available, quality, professional and experienced servicesHigh service for the customer from the moment of the order to the resolution of the problem.In most cases, professionals do not have an online presence, the platform will createGive them the same internet presence and increase their sectarian activity.One of the advantages of the platform is the ability to offer service contracts, both for businessesAnd for individuals who then enjoy various benefits including discounted rates.